Is it just me or is everyone ready to celebrate?

Is it just me or is everyone ready to celebrate?
Yesterday we announced the final tally for Mix FM’s Give Me Five for Kids 2018.
Because we’re slightly crazy, we set a big audacious goal this year. $600 000, to take us over the five million dollar all time total.
I am a big believer in manifestation, creative visualisation, the power of positive thinking, whatever you want to call it. Just tell the world what you want and if you do the work it will happen.

And it did. Our official number is $606096 is the official figure – more money actually came in after we cut off the tally – so we will probably hit $610000 before we are done. Simply incredible.

Everyone keeps asking me what is different this year? Where has the extra money come from?
I don’t really know the answer. We had six people who gave us $25 000 or more which is a bloody good start but we are so close to the line that every single person who donated can say, ‘They couldn’t have done it without me.’

The big cheques came from unexpected places and I would quickly like to acknowledge them.
We received $25000 or more from Howard and Jayne Aron of Flaxton, Mark and Tanya Martin of Narellan Pools, Melissa and Peter Boyce of Butler McDermott Lawyers, Collin and Lauren Allott of Foam and Rubber Industries, Mick ‘Rocky’ Allwood of Capricorn Roofing, and Brett Pearson of OZ Express.

I think people believe in Give Me Five for Kids. They know it makes a family’s time in hospital easier to bear. We turn on the TVs so no one has to pay, GM5FK pays for diversion therapy to keep little ones happy when someone is sticking needles in them or mummy can’t stop crying. GM5 provides dreaded iPads and X Boxes, we bought the beds for parents to sleep beside their little ones and even put a coffee machine in the kitchen. Parents who travel between Lady Cilento and SCUH will tell you there is no comparison, GM5FK means SCUH is all about TLC.

And this year, with your glorious donations, we are going to buy something else sick kids really need. Accommodation for their families. Wishlist has been working behind the scenes and they are ready to launch another House the Coast Built.
Ausmar is committed to building the house, we are still looking for land but that will come.

Take a bow Sunshine Coast, you gave us five million for kids.

Caroline xx

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