Todd & Sami

Weekdays 3pm-6pm

Monday Music List
Here’s the Answer, What’s the Question?
Solid Gold Player of the Week

Todd & Sami, proudly sponsored by…

It’s a love story as old as time itself…

A fairy tale adventure about a beautiful young woman and her one true love.

It’s about a farm boy who joins forces with a Spanish swordsman and the wrestler guy to find his beloved after a long separation and to save her from an evil tyrant whose buddy has 6 fingers. Of course that’s not the Todd and Sami story, that’s the plot from the 1987 movie “The Princess Bride”. Inconceivable!

No, the Todd and Sami story is way less romantic. Boy meets professional journalist, they spend 17 years making Radio together, over time he ruins her credibility, she loves him and he tolerates her.

Truth is, without Toddy, Sami would’ve been so much more successful.

About Todd

Born in the back of a panel van in WA in 1975, Todd was raised as an only child, which really upset his sister.

He has spent 27 years traversing this great brown land, on the run from video shops he owes late fees to and wearing out his welcome at multiple Radio stations, only stopping down to get married (Cairns) and raise 4 kidlets (Sunny Coast). At 47 he’s still not sure what he wants to be when he grows up.

Todd’s grades would be so much better if he applied himself and spent more time learning and less time trying to entertain the class.

About Sami

Sami grew up on the Coast, she’s local as and has worked on telly and Radio, as a journalist and announcer for 27 years. Sami’s happily married, well she’s happy, her husband’s married, with 3 young kids and is clearly not paid enough to put up with the adorable but exasperating Toddy.

They have been a duo together on Sunny Coast airwaves for 17years now and are proud ambassadors for Compass SC and for Sippy Creek Animal Refuge. Sami writes a regular column for My Weekly Preview and her greatest loves are her family, the Coast, shopping, Todd* and coffee. Not in that particular order.

*Todd put this here, clearly.

WIN with Todd & Sami

Mix FM Triple Plays
Todd & Sami’s Fairly Ambiguous Noise

Got a question? Contact the station.